Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jon Stewart Does It Again

Once again, Jon Stewart knocks it out of the ballpark by calling out the NFL for its... for lack of a better word... suckiness.

Jon Stewart Calls Out ESPN For Obsessing Over Michael Sam’s Shower Habits

Keep it up, Jon.

Thursday, August 14, 2014 "Op-ed: Hillary is Ready for Us"

Click here for a wonderful article by Allida Black over at

Hillary has received lots of criticism from the LGBTQA community recently.  But as this article points out, Hillary has, in all reality, done lots for us.

"Gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights.”

ALS Ice Challenge

Well the newest Facebook craze is the ALS Ice Challenge.  I, your wonderful blogger, was nominated by a peer of mine.

Let me start by saying that this is a good cause and I support anything that fights a disease.  But this Ice Challenge is not something that I am very fond of.  Originally, I was only aware that you either do the Ice Challenge or you donate $100.  Wow.  Pouring ice over yourself.  Aren't you a wonderful person.  Raising awareness?  Yes.  Actually doing something?  No.  This did not sit right with me, so in my video I said I was also donating to a charity of my choice, the Trevor Project.

After I uploaded the video to Facebook, I was messaged by a friend who told me that you were supposed to donate $10 when you did the challenge.  Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this - including me.  This challenge has been hijacked by social media and is no longer for ALS, but for the person doing the challenge.  Not one of my Facebook friends mentioned anything about donating.  Except for my cousin.  Good on him!

The ALS Ice Challenge is a self absorbed shout into the void. "Hey look at me - I'm supporting a cause."

Rant over now.  Here's an adorbs pic of Hannah Hart to make up for it.

I'm actually jealous of that outfit.  Not going to lie.  

Monday, August 11, 2014

Robin Williams Part 2

Just a link to Buzzfeed:

Hollywood Remembers Robin Williams

He was a remarkable man who impacted so many lives.

Robin Williams

The death of Robin Williams is one that fills me with great sadness.  My brother and sister grew up watching Aladdin and the Genie having adventures together.

Not only was Williams a funny, funny man, but he also was a good person.  So many comedians and funny people are sadly not good people.  Not Williams though.  "Look to the Stars," a website that describes celebrities' philanthropic efforts says "Robin’s charity work has covered the spectrum from health care and human rights, to education, environmental protection, and the arts."  The site also lists  charities that he had supported.
Truly an amazing and extensive list.

In addition, Williams was also a supporter of LGBT rights, according to "Hollowverse," a site that tries to figure out the political leanings of celebrities.

Robin Williams was also an unabashed liberal, being described as "perhaps one of the most liberal actors in Hollywood" by "Hollowverse."  Williams had donated over $150,000 to the Democratic Party and other leftist groups.  He also was a fierce critic of the second George Bush.

Many of William's colleagues and friends took to Twitter to mourn the great comedian, not to mention the rest of the world.  I've never seen Twitter so focused on a topic.  Pretty spectacular.  

But what struck me the most was the amount of people linking to suicide prevention organizations, posting numbers to call, and encouraging people to get help.  Depression is so often overlooked or looked down upon that people don't get help. Of my generation, this is the first famous person/role model that has committed suicide, that I can think of.  Maybe, this topic will finally be discussed and people will be able to get help.  

Here are some links to organizations that can help you if you are in trouble and need someone to talk to.  Share these.  Let know person go without hope.  

"You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Fierce

Just spent 25 dollars on this.  Completely worth it.


I think the folks over at Amazon had a marvelous idea with AmazonSmile. When you make a purchase (and there are, according to Amazon, tens of millions of products that can be bought using AmazonSmile) a portion of the purchase will go to a charity of your choosing. So, today, when I ordered my Clinton/Gore '92 tank top and Stewart/Colbert '16 tank top, a piece of that went to the Trevor Project. As you probably know, the Trevor Project is an organization is "The leading national organization providing crisis & suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth," according to their Twitter bio.  Definitely a cause to support!

Go over to AmazonSmile and support a cause!