Monday, March 9, 2015

Non-Political: Two Towers Live-Tweet

I will be live-tweeting The Two Towers here momentarily.

While this is extremely non-political, it'll be fun and a great way to get to know my sense of humor, that I try to infuse this blog with.

Join me if you'd like.  I might add some political humor like I did yesterday with my live-tweet of The Fellowship of the Ring. 

So come join!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Miss me?

After a long hiatus, I'm back.  Life's hard guys.

Today I will be commenting on the new Comedy Central show, "The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore."

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Interview With Laura Jane Grace

I just watched this interview with Laura Jane Grace and it is very eye opening.  It's long but completely worth it.

Trans issues are often overlooked, unfortunately, and as a high profile trans person, Laura can really affect change.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Gender Violatons

For my Intro to Women's and Gender Studies Class, I was recently assigned a short paper.

This was the prompt: "Do something that you think constitutes a violation of gender norms. Pay attention to others' reactions. How do you feel? Embarrassed? Proud? Write a short description of your gender violation and yours and others' reactions to it."

I ended up painting my toenails and this was what I wrote about it:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Finally Unfriended That "Friend"

Today, I finally unfriended one of my "friends" from high school on Facebook.  It was long overdue.  Him being a Evangelical Republican and myself being a Jewish Democrat, it was time.

It came about when I shared this photo on Facebook:
He commented, "What constitutes a judgement?"  I had had similar conversations where he defended people saying that it's a slippery slope if marriage equality is fully implemented and disagreeing with me when I say you lose credibility when you compare President Obama to Hitler, in relation to gun control.  Not wanting to deal with it, I clicked away and unfriended him.  Just like that.  It was easy.  And extremely satisfying.

Seriously, CNN?

It's times like these when I wonder if CNN even tries to report on the news anymore...  It sure seems like it. They should leave things like this to Perez Hilton.
Seriously, CNN?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jon Stewart Does It Again

Once again, Jon Stewart knocks it out of the ballpark by calling out the NFL for its... for lack of a better word... suckiness.

Jon Stewart Calls Out ESPN For Obsessing Over Michael Sam’s Shower Habits

Keep it up, Jon.